A day on which the precious Tricolor is remembered once again; these days the Tricolor waves and flutters much more frequently.
Okaaaay, so we are still selling earrings, in spite of that announcement a few months back.

We received good words from a long-time patron. Can I call this Triword Feedback?
For a first or second-time buyer, writing many more words is much easier, and perhaps natural, because the 'surprise' element would be much more significant when you shop Mississippi Earrings for the first time.
Generally, we would just be happy with such triword feedback all the time. It is all that we crave to hear anyway every time we ship a pair of Mississippi Earrings. And it encapsulates almost everything that we hoped for when we started this earrings-only venture.
"As usual beautiful

As usual, beautiful (earrings),
As usual, beautiful (face)!
Not to forget,
As usual, independence from the locker!

Btw, this earring is also a tri-color earring, no? Three very different colors of gemstones, in different shapes combining beautifully.
www.mississippiearrings.com you ought to try!